


WoodSolutions Technical Guide #39 on Robustness

The ARC Advance Timber Hub is pleased to advise that the updated WoodSolutions Technical guide #39 on Robustness has been published (July 2023) following the work performed by research project “Progressive collapse (robustness) resistance of tall timber frame buildings with CLT floors” which was funded (partially) by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Advanced Solutions to Transform Tall Timber Buildings (project number: IH150100030).

It is a great success story with genuine collaboration between academia and industry to write this guide. The Project Leader, Hub Chief Investigator, Benoit Gilbert, is particularly proud of Section 5 which presents how robustness was considered in built projects, setting a benchmark to the industry.

Contributors to this guide are: Benoit Gilbert (Griffith University), Toby Hodsdon (Arup), Hong Guan (Griffith University). Nick Hewson (Viridi Group), Nathan Benbow (Australian Sustainable Hardwoods), Alex Zecevic (TTW), Tim Butler (Lendlease) and Robert Jockwer (Chalmers University of Technology).

The ARC Advance Timber Hub research projects will be intentioned to support WoodSolutions in further updates of their Technical Guides.

WoodSolutions is an industry initiative designed to provide independent, non-proprietary information about timber and wood products to professionals and companies involved in building design and construction. WoodSolutions is resourced by Forest & Wood Products Australia Ltd (FWPA), a major funding partner of the ARC Advance Timber Hub.

The ARC Advance Timber Hub would particularly like to highlight their latest promotional video:
Choose Sustainability and Innovation. Choose Wood.

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