
Interventions for Change

Node Leaders

Cristyn Meath

Theme Leader - Planning Change; Node Leader - Socio-Economic Opportunity & Interventions for Change

The University of Queensland


Hub partner organisations span the full value chain, industry associations and primary industries departments in two different state governments. These connections, along with established investigator connections to other relevant state government agencies (e.g. Treasury, Environment) and the building sector, can direct a comprehensive program of stakeholder engagement. For establishing a network of exemplar projects there are growing opportunities for university construction projects to showcase and promote the benefits of innovative approaches to using EWPs in construction. The Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games also provide unique exemplar opportunity, given the commitment to delivering a resource efficient and carbon neutral infrastructure base [1]. The expertise and evidence base of all Hub research Nodes provides a strong foundation for steering direct engagement with agents and processes of change.


Industry representative, corporate and government stakeholders will be selected from across the value chain, capturing major building owners and tenants, designers, and construction, timber and forestry sectors and regulators. Initial interviews will establish a shared understanding of the complex mix of barriers to change, specifying the evidence base required (and for the Hub research to address) to encourage change in stakeholder decision making. The Hub will

  1. develop a roadmap outlining actions that can enable and support change by industry, government and research stakeholders, as needed to substantially grow supply and demand for greater use and benefits of engineered timber in large buildings; and
  2. support development of an Olympics Wood Encouragement Policy and the innovative adoption of EWP in the design of specific infrastructure Collective findings from the engagement activities and technical research will be synthesised to outline the case for why and how to stimulate change in the timber and construction sectors.


A roadmap outlining actions that can enable and support change by industry, government and research stakeholders, as needed to substantially grow supply and demand for greater use of EWPs in mid-rise buildings. The ongoing stakeholder partnership approach provides the means for coordinating broad spectrum input to all other research Nodes (as required).


Georgia Lindsay

Chief Investigator

University of Tasmania

Catalina Espinosa

PhD Candidate / Research Assistant

The University of Queensland


EWP Industry Supply Chain Modelling Tool (alignment with Economic Scenario Modelling)

Status, Perceptions and Priorities of EWP Industry in Australia

Evaluation of ARC Advance Timber Hub


  1. Qld Govt (2021) Brisbane2032 – IOC Future Host Commission Questionnaire Response – Final submission. The State of Queensland