
Gianluigi Traetta

Current positions held

Technical Sales Engineer – Rubner Holzbau Srl


Gianluigi is Structural Engineer by background, graduated at the Politecnico di Bari in Civil Engineering, with master thesis at the Technical University Graz (Austria). From 2004 to 2007 Gianluigi carried out research activities at holz.bau forschungs gmbh of Graz (Scientific Director: Gerhard Schickhofer), dealing with standards and theoretical elaborations related to load tests on mass timber construction elements (KVH, GLT and CLT) and connections. From 2007 to 2010 Gianluigi worked as structural engineer of timber structures in Italy, at a leading Italian company, and abroad at a renowned Austrian engineering firm. From 2010 Gianluigi provides technical sales, currently at Rubner Holzbau Srl.

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