
Establishing viable product and market solutions for hardwood plantation thinnings and small logs

Project Under Development

This project aims to develop opportunities for small diameter log resources in high-value market opportunities. Thinnings from plantation hardwood estates will be prioritised along with residual peeler cores and other small diameter logs. Establishing the suitability of these resources for products such roundwood construction elements and poles provides opportunities along the forest products supply chain including providing a more supportive environment for further investment in establishing and managing forest resources for timber production.

The project will closely link with design professionals specialising in industrial design and building architecture to ensure product suitability within a novel construction framework. The project will build upon previous relevant research, but will extend to new resources, innovative product designs and partner with organisations ready to commercialise.

Please see Project Video for further information:

Node Introduction Video:


  • Comparison of wood quality and properties between waste water irrigated and non-irrigated plantation hardwoods.
  • Evaluation of product options for hardwood thinnings and small logs from hardwood forests as well as hardwood and softwood peeler cores-based on latest technical, technological and market trends and developments.
  • A range of prototype roundwood products-that will be used to determine and demonstrate commercial suitability.
  • Support market access and commerciialisation opportunities.

Project Leader/s

Bill Leggate

QDAF Team Leader; Project Leader; Partner Investigator

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Project Staff

HDR Candidate

Higher Degrees by Research Scholarship Opportunity

Project Investigators

Rob McGavin

Project Leader; Partner Investigator

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Patrick Thornton

Partner Investigator

Loggo Pty Ltd

Kim Baber

Project Leader; Chief Investigator

The University of Queensland

Lead Project Partner Organisation

Project Partners